May Message From the OMCA President

Published May 3rd, 2023

Thank you to all our new members and to those that have continued to support our association as our sector recovers. As our industry is on the cusp of our busy season, the association team wishes you a prosperous 2023. Destination Canada recently reported that overnight visitation grew by 185% year over year, reaching 820,000 visitors a month to Canada. Group travel is included in this impressive gain, let’s all continue to work together to bring our sector back.

The association hosted two successful lobby days in April, with two full days of meetings with MMP and MP at the provincial and federal government levels. Thank you to those board members that participated and delivered our key advocacy priorities to elected officials and in supporting our members.

On May 1st, the United States announced that beginning May 12, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will no longer require non-U.S. travellers entering the United States via land ports of entry and ferry terminals to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide related proof of vaccination upon request. MCC has been consistently advocating for this restriction to be lifted on our regular calls with Transport Canada and we are glad to see that our efforts are paying off. This is a win for our members as this restriction has been hindering the volume of North American cross-border travel for over three years.

Our team is preparing our Group Travel Directory formally known as our Membership Directory. Current Association members’ contact details are listed in this directory both online and in print and it is distributed directly to those in our sector looking to connect.  Please take the time today to log into our membership portal and update your Membership profile. The deadline is May 31st to be included in this vital group tour planning tool.  If you need assistance or have questions, please reach out to our team at

The association, with our Ontario Bus Consortium partners, wrapped up a hugely successful Ontario Transportation Expo (OTE) This annual conference and tradeshow is Canada’s largest bus show. This year we had over 500 conference delegates and a sold-out tradeshow floor. Please mark your calendars for April 14-16, 2024, and remember to register early.

Our 51st annual Golf tournament opened for registration on March 1st. This year’s event is happening on August 22nd at Legends on the Niagara Golf Complex in Niagara Falls, Ontario. This is a great opportunity for members to connect and enjoy a day out on the greens. It also provides a casual way to host your clients and show your appreciation. If you are considering sponsorship please visit our website and please reach out to our team. December might seem far away, but Marketplace 2023 planning is well underway. Registration is open and this year we have some new and exciting sponsorship opportunities.  If you know you are coming, please take a moment to register today! If you are considering joining us for this premier B2B Marketplace please connect with our team for more details. Seller members that register before June 30th have a chance to win a free 2024 registration!

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