Customization of COVID-19 Materials

OMCA and its members have worked hard to produce materials to both guide motor coach and group tour operators and improve consumer confidence on the safety measures taken relating to COVID-19.

Any of these materials can be customized as though they were produced by your company through Radonic+ Travel & Tourism Marketing.

Note that some of the materials mentioned below have not been released yet but are coming soon!

To order your customization, please contact:
Edward Radonic
416-695-0575 ext 330

All can be customized with your logo and more:

  • Customized Video with your logo at start and finish: $400
    • Change the voice over removing OMCA and replacing with your company name: Additional $400
  • Customized Print Piece including a Digital PDF: $200
  • Customized e-blast and have it emailed to your contact list: $200
    • Additional services include sending your customized e-blast to thousands of Travel Agents:
      • Send to 4,000 English agents in Ontario: $200 or
      • Send to 12,000 English Agents in Canada: $300
      • Send to 8,000 French Agents in Canada: add $100
  • Customized Social Media Ads: $100

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